Our training and certification program is the foundation of INSTALL. While we prize our facilities and curriculum, our instructors truly embody INSTALL’s core training and certification messages. This curriculum is only effective when it is taught by seasoned experts.
To meet the demands of training a labor force across the USA and Canada, INSTALL needs a corps of training experts. In the first half of 2016 alone, we have welcomed 13 newly trained instructors. All of the new instructors have successfully completed the INSTALL Curriculum Train the Trainer course and 10 of them completed the subsequent INSTALL Certifications Train the Trainers course. These new instructors serve Canada, the Northeast, Midwest, South and the West, reflecting our expansion to areas of the country where the INSTALL curriculum was previously unavailable. Each instructor will pass along INSTALL training and certification to hundreds of floor covering professionals.
The Carpenters International Training Fund (CITF) established the CITF Instructor Program to develop a framework of standards. This ensures that instructors will have the necessary competencies to meet the training demands of the industry, now and in the future, as well as meet technical and safety requirements. In an effort to accomplish this task, the CITF, in collaboration with Pennsylvania State University, has established the “Carpenters International Training Fund Instructor Certification Program.” The CITF has national standards approved by both the Canadian and American governments.
With the addition of our newest trainers and these accredited standards, I am confident that we are delivering work we can ALL take pride in.